Zucchini Tagliatelle: Foodie Friday

Zucchini Tagliatelle
Our camp in the Adirondack Mountains is on an island, so when dinner doesn't work out I have to improvise with what I have on hand. I usually am very prepared, my husband and I are both old Boy and Girl Scouts. The evening I made this dish we were planning on grilling chicken...well when we opened up the package...nasty. Oh, the smell of bad chicken is nauseating. I threw this dish together with the zucchini I had planned on using as a side dish. The sauce for this meal is incredibly simple and wonderful to use with any fresh vegetable because it doesn't over power the subtle taste of vegetables, so please, whatever is fresh and ripe in your garden or the farmer's market sauté up in this sauce and serve it over any type of pasta. Zucchini Tagliatelle by Diane Balch
Preparation time: 15 minutes Serves: 4 - 6
Ingredients: 1 pound of Tagliatelle pasta or any other type (Schar gluten-free pasta) 1/2 stick of butter 1/2 cup of dry white wine 1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg 1 teaspoon of poultry seasoning salt and pepper to taste
1 large green squash chopped (zucchini) 1 large yellow squash chopped (zucchini) 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan and/or Romano cheese
Directions: 1) Bring pasta water to a boil with 2 tablespoons of salt in it.
2) While water is coming to a boil, in a large skillet melt the butter and cook until it starts to brown then add the white wine and bring it to a boil. Stir constantly. Add the red pepper, nutmeg, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper to the sauce.
3) Reduce the heat to medium low and add the zucchini. Cover and cook until desired tenderness, approximately 3 minutes. Stir occasionally.
4) When the pasta is cooked add it to the skillet, add the parmesan cheese. Mix well and let it stand for 5 minutes. This dish is also nice with cannelloni beans or chicken added. copyright 2012 zucchini, pasta, parmesan cheese, butter, Italian cooking, vegetarian recipe http://verygoodrecipes.com/italia

Hosted by
Home Maid Simple
Simple Living with Diane Balch

THANK YOU! This food party has really grown and I just wanted to take a moment to say, "I appreciate you sharing your recipes with us on Foodie Friday each week." To me there is nothing more special than enjoying a home cooked meal by a friend or family member who put their heart into preparing it. If you have never read Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquirel it is a wonderful summer read about pouring your emotions into your cooking. I highly recommend it.

Spotlights from Last Week's Party: From: A Flock in the City French Tomato Tart with Goat Cheese and Chives

Now here is something special to do with "all those tomatoes" this makes a fantastic vegetarian meal or a wonderful first course.
From: Lavender and Loveage Chili Prawn Stir Fry with Mangoes

Mangoes and Prawns the flavors of this dish are all about summer!
From: Peanut Butter, Passport, & Epinephrine Spiced Peach Clafoutis

A beautiful rustic country dessert, perfect for peach season.

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source : www.simplelivingeating.com , www.trendsfitness.blogspot.com , www.mozvid.blogspot.com , www.tutsdot.blogspot.com

Title : Zucchini Tagliatelle: Foodie Friday
Description : Zucchini Tagliatelle Our camp in the Adirondack Mountains is on an island, so when dinner doesn't work out I have to improvise with ...

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