Sole with Capers, Cornichons, and Brown Butter Sauce

I was planning on making Dorie Greenspan's Skate with Capers, Cornichons, and Brown Butter Sauce but I ran into difficulty finding skate. I never cooked skate at home, and I never actually saw it in my fishmonger's store... so when he said he couldn't get it - I really wasn't that surprised.

Skate is an odd fish. It's a member of the stingray family. You eat the wings. I've had it in restaurants, and please if you ever do see it on a menu, get it.. skate is delicious.
No matter, this recipe works with any thin white fish. I chose sole...because everyone likes sole. It's mild and it's easy to cook.

What I love about this dish is that you don't really need a recipe to make it. You can pull some cornichons or other pickle out of your pantry, along with some capers. Mix them up with sherry vinegar and grainy mustard and you got a sauce for a white fish that you just sauteed in butter... simple.
But if you must know exactly how I made mine here is my adaptation.

Sole with Capers, Cornichons, and Brown Butter Sauce

Diane Balch

adapted from Dorie Greenspan's "Skate with capers, cornichons, and brown butter sauce" from Around my French Table

1/4 cup of sherry vinegar
1 tablespoon of grainy mustard
12 cornichons chopped
2 tablespoons of capers
1 stick of unsalted butter
4 sole fillets

1) Whisk together vinegar and mustard. Mix in cornichons and capers. Set aside.

2) Dry sole well. Lightly salt and pepper it. In a large flat dish spread out some flour.

2) In a large non-stick skillet heat 2 tablespoons of butter on medium high heat. If you can't cook all the fish at once, cook it in batches; adding more butter as need.

3) Cook the fish for approximately 2 to 3 minutes per side. Cook until edges start to brown. Don't over cook.. the fish will continue to cook after you take it out of the pan. Set aside cooked fish in a large serving dish.

4) Once all the fish is cooked put 6 tablespoons of butter in the skillet. Heat until it starts to slightly brown. You will smell a nutty aroma. Add the cornichon mixture into the skillet and mix it with the butter. Heat through and spoon over the fish.

Note: As a member of French Friday's with Dorie I am not allowed to print the recipe. I invite you to take a look at this wonderful cookbook "Around My French Table" if you are interested in this or any other recipe I review.

Click here to see how the other Dorista's did.

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Title : Sole with Capers, Cornichons, and Brown Butter Sauce
Description : I was planning on making Dorie Greenspan's Skate with Capers, Cornichons, and Brown Butter Sauce but I ran into difficulty finding skate...

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