Surf n Turf Pasta

When someone asked how enjoyable a wedding was when I was a kid all you had to say was, "They had Surf n Turf." which was code for a no hold out fancy affair. The last wedding I went to that splurged on a real Surf n Turf dinner of lobster and steak was when my cousin Michael got married.
He married a Sicilian girl. Sicilians sure know how to throw a wedding. The cake had bridges on it with miniatures of everyone in the wedding party. When it was time for dessert they didn't even serve that cake, instead waiters carried out flaming cakes that were brought to each table. If that wasn't enough dessert for you... there was a large Venetian Table filled with every Italian pastry imaginable.
I was so glad they brought a rock group over from Italy, so I could dance away the calories I ate... oh boy, that was one good time!
Now this recipe was not inspired by an elaborate wedding, but by the fact that when I opened up the freezer there was only one steak left and half a bag of scallops... Poor man's surf n turf. I also was adventurous and bought some dandilion leaves, so I threw them in for the greens. You can use any green you like... enjoy.

Surf 'n Turf Pasta

by Diane Balch
preparation time: 20 minutes serves: 4 - 6


1 pound of fusilli pasta cooked al dente
4 tablespoons of butter
1 pound of steak chopped (like ribeye)
1 pound of scallops (bay is best or you can chopped up sea scallops)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 tablespoon of Old Bay seasoning mix
1 bunch of chopped greens: dandelion, spinach, baby kale etc.
1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 tablespoon of Vermouth
1 cup of chicken broth
salt & pepper to taste

1) Bring a large sauce pan of water to boil with at least 2 tablespoons of salt.

2) Heat a tablespoon of the butter in a large skillet. Saute the steak seasoned with salt, pepper, and Worchestershire Sauce, remove from skillet set aside in a large bowl.

3) Heat another tablespoon of butter in the skillet. Dry the scallops well before putting them in the pan. Season them with the Old Bay, salt & pepper. When opaque and lightly golden remove from the skillet and put them in the bowl with the steak.

4) Heat yet another tablespoon of butter and saute the greens. Put them aside in the bowl with the steak and scallops.

5) Add the last tablespoon of butter into the skillet along with the Vermouth and chicken broth. Bring this to a boil. Then turn off the heat. Put the al dente cooked pasta into the skillet. Mix it with the sauce and then return steak scallops, greens and any accumulated juices to the skillet. Let the pasta sit for at least 5 minutes before serving it, so it can absorb the broth.

5) Taste, you may need to add a little more butter, salt and pepper. You can also drizzle a little good quality olive oil over the pasta too.
pasta recipe , seafood recipe , surf n turf , Italian recipe , scallops , steak

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Title : Surf n Turf Pasta
Description : When someone asked how enjoyable a wedding was when I was a kid all you had to say was, "They had Surf n Turf ." which was code fo...

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