Spicy Honey Cinnamon Plum Tart

This post is sponsored by Henry's Humdingers. All opinions are my own.
The four Balch bears huddled around the jars of Henry's Humdingers Honey dipping their paws into each one and proclaiming: Diabolical Dad and Grumpy Grandpa are delicious but too spicy for a dessert, Naughty Nana could work, but Phoebe's Fireball with chipotle chile and cinnamon is JUST RIGHT for a plum tart.
We have been enjoying exploring the cooking possibilities of Henry's Humdingers Honey and I hope you will too... it is great to support a good cause: protecting the honey bees, and encourage a young entrepreneur, Henry who is only 17 years old. So please, check out his honey!

This dessert couldn't be simpler all you do is roll out some pastry dough, mix some plum slices with Phoebe's Fireball Honey, or a your own mixture of honey, cinnamon and spices. Sprinkle sugar around the edges and pop it in a oven until it is golden brown.

Out comes a dessert that is light and perfect for summer. The contrast between the chipotle chile and the honey wakes up your taste buds. The cinnamon smooths these extremes of flavor out into an exceptionally easy and delicious dessert. Have it plain or top it with vanilla ice cream or fresh whipped cream.

Spicy Honey Cinnamon Plum Tart

by Diane Balch simplelivingeating.com
Ingredients: 1 frozen puffed pastry sheet thawed 8 plums sliced 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 2 6 ounce jars of Phoebe's Fireball Honey or (honey, cinnamon, chipotle chile) 1/8 teaspoon of salt sugar for sprinkling

Directions: 1) Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees.
2) Roll out puffed pastry sheet on to a 9 inch non stick baking sheet.
3) In a large mixing bowl mix drizzle lemon juice on plums. Next mix in honey and salt.
4) Spread plums over tart, but not to the edge.
5) Press a fork around the edges of the tart and sprinkle sugar on just the edges so they will brown more.
6) Bake until edges are golden brown about 20 minutes.

Serve with ice cream or whipped cream. Experiment with different fruit as it becomes seasonal. Peaches would work really well with this recipe.
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Title : Spicy Honey Cinnamon Plum Tart
Description : This post is sponsored by Henry's Humdingers. All opinions are my own. The four Balch bears huddled around the jars of Henry's Humdi...

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